3 Factors That Determine The Time To Settle An Auto Accident Lawsuit

Posted on: 16 December 2020

When people meet with an injury lawyer for the first time after being in an auto accident, a common question that comes up is how long it is going to take to get the compensation that they are seeking. Unfortunately, it is not a question that always has a clear answer. Here are some things you should know that factor into how long it takes to settle your case.  Your Case's Unique Circumstances [Read More]

What Can You Sue For In A Car Accident Lawsuit?

Posted on: 1 December 2020

Car accidents are some of the most common causes of injuries. There are so many cars on the road now, the likelihood of an accident occurring has increased over time. If you or a loved one has been in a recent car accident, you might wonder what your options are in getting compensated, especially if the accident wasn't your fault. There are several categories in which your lawsuit will fall under and each will determine how much compensation you can claim in your lawsuit. [Read More]

Common Medical Malpractice Cases

Posted on: 17 November 2020

If you are considering a case involving medical malpractice, you are not alone. Many people consider filing a personal injury lawsuit against a hospital, clinic, or medical professional when they face serious injuries and the costs associated with them. These are some of the common issues people experience. If you have experienced one of these medical malpractice injuries, you should consider filing a personal injury lawsuit. Anesthesia Issues One of the most common issues people face involves anesthesia. [Read More]

How Criminal Defense Lawyers Choose a Strategy for a Client

Posted on: 2 November 2020

Criminal defense lawyers have to figure out which approach they're going to use for each case. A client rightly may wonder how their lawyer arrives at a strategy. Read on learn more about the process.  Looking at the Prosecutor's Case The prosecution has to present some sort of legal logic for why the defendant is guilty of a crime. Oftentimes, this dictates how criminal defense lawyers respond. For example, a prosecutor might present a gun case that hinges largely on evidence obtained directly from a weapon. [Read More]